The new Basic Beginning
15 Aug 2017Just a notes of the coder’s attitude i’ve read from a blog.
- Dream it that morning
- Build it that Afternoon
- Deploy it to night
So this is What I began with. Silly to Serious things are engraved in this Github Page! Slowly but reatining one.
Few basic but important concepts:
Python is used for Data Science because it’s so much good for handling large datasets, working with mathematical functions and visualise the data in a great way.
Data Science is about processing, analyzing and visualising the data. Unlike Microsoft Excel, Programming provides lot of functionalities, that’s why coding is fun and important too!
To be a great Data Scientist, you should be a good programmer and a good mathematician and also an analytical thinker.
In Python we have functions, functions provide an output either directly or by performing some operarions when given. ex: print(12) will give 12 as output, print(12+14) will not give 12+14 but 26.
Likewise, print(chicago) will not give output as chicago but an error of invalid syntax because the syntax for representing strings under a function is print(“chicago”)
- Operators in any language is used to combine the expressions or operands and give output after performing an operation.
- Operators in Python are + - * / * * () namely addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponent and parentheses
Always remember that you must be following the ethics of writing Python codes, the ethics which Python community like but not that’s your own, STFW for PEP8.
Here comes the new function type() it tells you about the type of the variable. ex: lol = “Haha” –> print(type(lol)) will print and displays type of the variable.
Creating an empty list is not insanity at all, by creating an empty list you can fill it up by some certain conditions like, If you want the list to contain only the words ending with “z”
Zero Indexing means that, the positional index starts from 0 unlike some languages like MATLAB.
Python’s len() function returns the length of the list.
- Python’s len() function returns the integer values and consider the length from 1 onwards.